In most cases, corrective exercises, posture modification, and home therapy are recommended to assist in the recovery. Most patients get some form of therapy prior to treatment and one or more spinal adjustments to the problem area(s). There is no cookbook approach used on every patient. At this office, we utilize such recognized Chiropractic manual therapies as diversified, Gonstead, activator, Cox, drop-piece manipulation, and myofascial release. There are a variety of professional therapies available and a variety of Chiropractic adjusting methods. The care rendered to a given individual is based upon the specific needs of that person. While the primary means of treatment for Doctors of Chiropractic is the correction of joint dysfunction, this is only the foundation of what DCs actually do.
However, where MDs study drugs and surgical intervention, DCs study a variety of natural healing techniques, with the correction of joint dysfunction being a primary focus. In terms of college training, the hours and courses of Chiropractic and medical students are similar in many ways. Most insurances cover treatment by a DC, which is evidence of both its efficacy and cost-effectiveness in getting people well. A Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) is a state licensed and federally recognized healthcare specialist in natural (nondrug/nonsurgical) means of healing.